City of Kennedy
Fire Department
Call 911 in case of emergency
Smoke Detectors
Per the Minnesota State Fire Marshall, all smoke detectors and all carbon monoxide detectors should be replaced every 10 years!
The City of Kennedy is serviced by a highly trained volunteer fire department. The department is equipped with the current firefighting equipment and continues to upgrade as technology continues to advance. In addition to the fire department, Kennedy hosts an excellent first responder squad which consists of several community members. The first responder squad services the City of Kennedy and surrounding townships as well.
Kennedy Fire Department
101 1st Street East
PO Box 228
Kennedy, MN 56733
Phone: 218-674-4485
Fire Chief: Aaron Kirkeby
Phone: 701-899-3215
The Kennedy Fire Department continues to strive to meet the safety needs of our community and the surrounding area. Our success depends, in part, on the financial support of others. We ask you to consider making a donation in any amount today. Make checks payable to the “Kennedy Fire Relief Association” and return to the above address. Your donation is tax deductible.
Thank you for helping to sustain this essential community service.
Mail Donations to:
Kennedy Fire Relief Association
PO Box 228
Kennedy, MN 56733
The City of Kennedy is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Provider.
In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, religion, sex, familial status, sexual orientation, and reprisal.
Fire Safety Tips
Preventing fires is an important part of fire safety. In the United States, cooking is the main cause of home fires. Cigarettes are a big risk too — as they are the leading cause of fire deaths. Here are some fire safety do's and don'ts:
Don't leave the stove or oven unattended when they are on.
Don't let children use kitchen appliances unsupervised.
Don't smoke in bed.
Make sure your smoke alarms work.
Have fire extinguishers on every floor and in your kitchen.
Have an escape plan.
Make sure your electrical appliances and cords are in good condition.
Thank You Firefighters!
Give a round of applause to the 2024
Kennedy Volunteer Fire Department:
Aaron Kirkeby, Chief
Carey Mortenson, Assistant Chief
Andy Kirkeby, Assistant Chief
Nathan Bowman
Matt Casper
Jason Christian
Brett Dahl
Austin Grochowski
Corey Grochowski
Casey Langen
Jon Langen
Kyle Langen
Ethan Paulson
Todd Truedson
Eric Warner