City of Kennedy
Kennedy City Council

Council Committees:​
Personnel Committee: Jon Turn and Henry Escareno
The City of Kennedy is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Provider.
Kennedy Government Hierarchy

City Office Hours
Monday through Thrusday
8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Mayor & Council Authority
Kennedy is a Minnesota "Statutory A" city, and therefore, the Mayor is elected, the Council is elected, and the City Clerk/Treasurer is appointed.
Role of Mayor
The Mayor represents the City publicly.
The Mayor presides over Council meetings.
The Mayor executes official City documents in conjunction with the Clerk.
Role of Council
Council members' statutory duties are performed by the Council as a whole, with the Mayor a part of the whole.
The Council, as a majority of the whole, appoints, hires, and dismisses City personnel.
The Council, as a majority of the whole, directs and manages City personnel.
The Council, as a majority of the whole, may appoint independent boards and commissions to advise the Council.
The Council, as a majority of the whole, retains all authority, administrative and legislative, but may delegate all day-to-day operations to staff.
The Council members' and the Mayor's individual responsibility is to participate in Council meetings—make and second motions, participate in discussion, and vote on matters before the Council.
The Council members and the Mayor should individually devote time to problems of basic policy and act as liaisons between the City and the general public.
2024 Meeting Schedule
January 8
February 12
March 12 (Tuesday)
April 8
May 13
June 10
July 8
August 12
September 9
October 15 (Tuesday)
November 12 (Tuesday)
December 9